- The Ministry of Compliance: Trade name of Projective Group NL B.V. for training and assessment.
- Participant: A student enrolled in one or more of the offered training programmes.
- Client: Participant or employer of a participant.
- Objections Committee: Committee that issues rulings on objections from participants.
- Board of Appeals: Programme Council under independent chairmanship.
- Editorial Team: Internal and external subject matter experts who develop content and ensure the relevance, timeliness, and coverage of the training programmes.
- Programme Council: Mainly external subject matter experts who ensure the relevance, timeliness, and coverage of the DSI Permanent Competence Programme and also act as the Board of Appeals.
- Notice of Objection: Written objection against the assessment in a training programme by a participant in that programme.
- The Objections Committee is appointed by the management of Projective Group NL B.V.
- The task of the Objections Committee is to handle notices of objection.
- The Objections Committee is composed as follows:
– A secretary of the Objections Committee (an employee of The Ministry of Compliance);
– A subject matter expert, member of the Editorial Team, who can assess the substance of the objection;
– An assessment expert who can evaluate aspects of the objection related to the technical quality of the assessment. - The secretary of the Objections Committee decides whether the Committee meets (online) to consider a notice of objection or if a written resolution is sufficient.
- The subject matter and educational experts may vary per notice of objection, depending on the content of the objection.
- Submitting an objection incurs costs, which The Ministry of Compliance charges to the participant. If the objection is upheld, the participant will be refunded these costs.
- A participant can submit a written, substantiated notice of objection regarding a training programme or assessment. This should be addressed to Projective Group NL B.V. for the attention of the management.
- The Objections Committee evaluates whether the objection is justified.
- The Objections Committee communicates the reasoned decision to the candidate within 4 weeks of receipt.
- If the candidate disagrees with the Objections Committee’s decision, they may appeal in writing to the Board of Appeals within 4 weeks of receiving the decision.
- The Board of Appeals consists of a member of the management of Projective Group NL B.V. and the members of the Programme Council.
- The task of the Board of Appeals is to handle appeals against objections.
- The Board of Appeals is composed as follows:
– Chairman: Ing. Harry Molkenboer MEd;
– Two members of the Programme Council who are subject matter experts on the content of the objection or complaint. - The Board of Appeals meets as needed (partially).
- Participants who disagree with a decision in a complaint or objection procedure can appeal to the Board of Appeals.
- An appeal can be submitted and handled digitally (by email) if desired. The chairman decides on this.
- Decisions of the Board of Appeals are binding on the organisation. Any consequences are implemented by us within 3 weeks.
- Submitting an appeal incurs costs, which The Ministry of Compliance charges to the participant. If the appeal is upheld, the participant will be refunded the costs of the objection and the appeal.
If a participant or client wishes to submit a complaint about a training programme or assessment, the following procedure must be followed.
- The participant or client submits their complaint in writing (by post or email) within four weeks of the reason for the complaint to Projective Group NL B.V. for the attention of the management.
- There are no costs associated with submitting a complaint.
- The complaint is handled by Projective Group NL B.V. within four weeks of receipt. If more time is needed to investigate, the management will inform the complainant within this period, including an indication of the expected duration.
- After handling the complaint, the decision is communicated to the participant or client by the management of Projective Group NL B.V.
- An appeal against the complaint decision can be made to the Board of Appeals under the conditions described therein.
- Complaints and any subsequent appeals are always treated confidentially.
- Complaints and the manner of their handling are recorded and retained for a period of 1 year.